
radproc.arcgis.clip_idraster(idRaster, clipFeature, outRaster)

Clips a raster to the extent of the clip feature.

idRaster : string
Path to the raster dataset to be clipped. Also defines the projection of the output raster.
clipFeature : string
Path to the clip feature defining the extent of the output raster. File type may be Shapefile or Feature Class. The clip Feature does not need to be provided in the RADOLAN projection. See below for further details.
outRaster : string
Path and name for the output raster to be created.
outRaster : string
Path and name of the generated output raster.


The RADOLAN data are provided in a custom stereographic projection defined by the DWD.

As there is no transformation method available yet, it is not possible to directly perform any geoprocessing tasks with RADOLAN and geodata with other spatial references. Nevertheless, ArcGIS is able to perform a correct on-the-fly transformation to display the data together. The clip function uses this as a work-around solution to “push” the clip feature into the RADOLAN projection. Hence, the function works with geodata in different projections, but the locations of the cells might be slightly inaccurate.