
radproc.heavyrain.count_heavy_rainfall_intervals(HDFFile, year_start, year_end, thresholdValue, minArea=1, season='Year')

Creates a DataFrame containing the sum of all heavy rainfalls intervals exceeding a specified threshold intensity value.

Search parameters are
  • rainfall intensity
  • minimum area (number of cells) where intensity has to be exceeded
  • season / time period
HDFFile : string
Path and name of the HDF5 file containing monthly pandas DataFrames with precipitation data.
year_start : integer
First year for which data are to be loaded.
year_end : integer
Last year for which data are to be loaded.
thresholdValue : integer
Rainfall intensity threshold value.
minArea : integer (optional, default: 1)
Minimum area (number of cells) where intensity threshold value has to be exceeded.
season : string or list (optional, default: ‘Year’)
Season / Time period to analyse. Can be a list with integer values from 1 to 12 or a string describing the season. The following strings are possible: [“Year” | “May - October” | “November - April” | “Jan” | “Feb” | “Mar” | “Apr” | “May” | “Jun” | “Jul” | “Aug” | “Sep” | “Oct” | “Nov” | “Dec”]
interval_count : pandas DataFrame
containing the sum of all intervals meeting the given criteria. Temporal resolution depending on the given season.